Join us as a volunteer

Prayer Partners

Administrative Helper

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Translation Work


Media Work
or partner with PLUC in the following areas:

Seminar / Talks
What would your response be when someone openly said this to you, "I'm a gay.", "My child is struggling and I need help." What can your church or yourself do?It is never too late to equip your church or yourself by inviting PLUC to do an awareness seminar or series of talks. Let us empower our church and ourselves with gender IQ through these seminars or talks.
Training as People-Helper
The LGBTQ are among you and you want to minister to them biblically without compromising your faith. Invite PLUC to train those who are interested to be a people-helper. Contact us for more details.

Conference Partners
For the past 18 years, PLUC has organised conferences and in 2019, was "Come Out & Come Home" in partnership with Assemblies of God Malaysia and Bible College of Malaysia. Be our partners in different States in organising these conferences related to LGBTQ.
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