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PLUC Newsletter 通讯 2007

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Christmas is a great time to ponder and give thanks for His mercy and goodness throughout 2007. It has been a very significant year for PLUC. PLUC was given the privilege to host the 3rd Exodus Asia Pacific conference. The overwhelming respond showed the support and concern that the Christian churches have for those who are sexually broken.

More than 250 people signed up for the conference and the attendance for the 2 night meetings were encouraging. Messages on truth and grace of God were preached throughout the conference. My special appreciation to the working committee as well as volunteers that had helped to make this event a success.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the many individuals and churches that have supported PLUC through prayers, words of encouragement and financial support. After the conference, we were blessed with new faces in PLUC for example Sis Eunice from Zoe Fellowship as one of the advisors and Sis Tan Lay Nah as PLUC administrator. We want to thank Bro Ding Kien Hor from Mega Chinese Methodist church for helping us with PLUC accounts and Bro Mark Leong from Semenyih AOG as our company secretary.

Training for volunteers was successfully conducted in Mandarin. PLUC also partner with local churches to train their church members like in Banner of Love church, Faith Charismatic Church (youth), Zoe Fellowship (youth) and Taman Ujong Methodist Church in Seremban.

The list of churches, colleges, universities as well as schools that have invited PLUC to give talks and teachings have been overwhelming and it is just impossible to list down all. A big thank you for all the invitations received. It is the respond after the talks that drive each of us in PLUC to do more. Each time after each talk or seminar, there are people who would ask for help or referrals being made to PLUC. How do PLUC see 2008? It will be a time of equipping and consolidating for us in PLUC. I desire to see each one in PLUC set aside time to equip themselves for their personal lives as well as the ministry. Besides that I hope that the team in PLUC with its supporters can be consolidated through power of prayers.

There will be greater emphasis in prayer. PLUC invites you to join us in our monthly prayer on the 1st Tuesday night @ 8pm. Besides that we have set aside some dates for prayer retreat. Please call PLUC office to find out more.

Let us continue to pray for those who have deviated from His truth that they may find this Truth and the Truth will indeed set them free. PLUC is keen to journey with them out of their Egypt.

He is faithful and He will carry each one of us through.




我们也没忘记感谢美佳堂卫理公会的陈健豪弟兄 协助我们管理账目,还有从士毛月神召会的Mark Leong弟兄义务作我们的公司秘书。我们成功以华语举办PLUC志工培训。此外,PLUC
与当地教会配搭,栽培教会的会员,例如爱的旗帜教会,信心灵恩中心(青少年),Zoe团契(青少年)和芙蓉的Taman Ujong卫理公会。

教会、学院、大学以及学校的讲座和教导邀请不胜枚举,未能一一尽录。讲座结束后的反应,使促我们在PLUC的每个人做得更多。每逢讲座或研讨会后,就有一些人寻求帮助或转介个案给PLUC 。




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