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PLUC Newsletter 通讯 2012

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This year is a significant one as PLUC turns 10 years old. Ten great years of witnessing His faithfulness and the privilege of journeying with many who are broken in their sexuality. As I reminisced on these 10 years, I saw how this ministry has grown. When the founder, Bro Steven Lim entrusted me with this ministry in 2003, PLUC began with just a box of books and operated in an apartment where I used to stay. I am thankful for friends who stuck with me through thick and thin like Rev Martha Hor, Rev Pax Tan and Pas Lazarus Chin who joined me from the beginning at PLUC. Then, Pas Andrew Ong, Dr John Tan, Sis Eunice Sin and Dr Johnben Loy joined the team. For the past 9 years we had been operating from apartments and a double-storey house; and today, we are located in a shoplot that provides us more space to run support groups and conduct teaching sessions. We started with just 1 counseling room and today we have 2 rooms.

From a handful of clients in the beginning, throughout the years we have seen many coming through the door of PLUC especially parents and spouses of strugglers, leading the way to the establishment of 3 types of support groups, designed to cater for the individual strugglers, parents and spouses. Although the parents and spousal groups only started late last year, we saw the dynamics of these groups and most importantly, they saw hope in Christ.

We witnessed the providence from the Lord through individuals and churches who have given faithfully to this ministry. The Lord never failed to provide and we know He will send the right people who have a burden for the same-sex relationship issues into this ministry. May the Lord touch the hearts of many men responding to His call to the homosexuals. This has been my prayer all these years.

What have we been doing for the last 10 years besides running support groups? PLUC have been invited to churches from different denominations to preach and teach on “Church’s response to homosexuality”, “God’s truth and grace in homosexuality”, “How porn affects the generation today” and other topics related to this ministry. We have also partnered with some churches in teaching their leaders and members to enable Christians with the knowledge and ability to journey with strugglers that walk into their churches.

In 2007, we organized “Break Free” in Banner of Love church and “Change is Possible” in 2009 at Full Gospel Assembly, KL. The purpose of these conferences was to create awareness for pastors and Christians on how to reach and respond to the homosexuals. These conferences opened opportunities and we were invited to speak in their churches, schools or even Christian fellowship in varsities. What would be PLUC’s focus in the coming 5 years? One is to continue to create awareness among churches in Malaysia that transformation in Christ for those with same-sex attraction issues is possible. The upcoming conferences in Kuala Lumpur and Penang in September 2012 in conjunction with PLUC’s 10th anniversary will act as a platform for conveying the message on “Truth and Grace in Sexuality”.

Besides conferences, PLUC desires to see many more cities in Malaysia with similar support groups for strugglers. It is not about starting many PLUC centers but partnering with churches and Christians through training programs. The harvest field is plentiful but the workers are few, so we trust the Lord to raise fellow workers to this harvest field.

The media and the radical change in world views are great influences to the younger generation. This group of youths is also one of PLUC’s focuses and I hope to be able to work closely with some youth organizations in training their leaders to educate the youth with the correct understanding of the natural sexuality that God has given to us. This year, God is opening doors for PLUC to go to nations like Cambodia and China to share life transforming testimonies. As the Lord has placed us in South East Asia, I trust the Lord to use PLUC to be a blessing to the nations around us. I thank you for your constant prayer and financial support, which helped us to do so much. I look forward to the hope that He has placed in my heart in 2012.

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth.” – I am encouraged by His truth and grace for my life!










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