How far would one extend his or her hand in helping someone? I believe Jesus went all the way... In fact it was while we were all still sinners that He died for us. As I take time to reflect on the happenings in PLUC throughout 2009, in our journey with clients and families that seek help, I am amazed at how far are we were willing to journey with them! How far would we still choose to journey with them even when they abandon us or hurt us?
Recently in one of PLUC’s staff devotions, the Chairman of the PLUC board, Pas. Andrew Ong, reminded us that we do not see ourselves more righteous than the strugglers. In fact we are no different than them. The blessing that we have is that we are moving towards the vision and goal that Jesus has set for us. Being in community work like PLUC, we need constant reminders that we are saved by His grace and not by our works so that we do not have any opportunity to boast at all. Instead we need to be humbled by the power of the cross.
We, in the PLUC ministry, desire to continue to grow so we have more of the compassion of Christ. There are times when I feel like giving the clients a piece of my mind, but the Holy Spirit will nudge me and ask, “What about yourself? Did your counselors give up on you when you fell in your journey?” I know I need His grace to exercise more grace each day with the clients. I am thankful that only the love of Christ can compel us to love each one of them. Nothing is worth more than each of the lives of these clients that Jesus died for.
The beginning of a new year, 2010, encourages us to continue to serve Him faithfully even when we do not see improvement in every client’s life. God is patient with them and therefore we need to do so. We covet your prayers as there are moments when we need to exercise the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit in this ministry. In order to see changes taking place in clients’ lives, a lot of prayer is required, along with constant encouragement and support from healing communities like churches. So we are all part of this team.
PLUC believes in partnership with local churches, especially in creating awareness of the church as a healing community. We want churches to know how they can help one who is struggling with homosexuality, sexual abuse, or even sexual addiction like pornography.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the many churches, Christian organizations, as well as individuals who believe in what God is doing through PLUC. Thank you for your support in prayers and gifts that have enabled us to see His faithfulness throughout 2009.
Blessed 2010!
在最近的同工灵修,PLUC董事主席Pastor Andrew提醒我们不要把自己看得比挣扎者公义。其实我们和他们没有不同。我们有的祝福是我们正朝向耶稣为我们所定下的异象和目标。
身为PLUC事工的一分子,我们渴望继续成长,以至我们怀有更多基督的怜悯。有时候我真的很想放弃某些求助者,但圣灵会敲问我,“那你呢?当你从前跌到时,你的辅导员有放弃你吗?” 我知道我需要神的恩典,好让我也能够每天以更多恩典对待求助者。我很感恩的就是唯有基督的爱能激发我们去爱他们每一位。没有什么比这每一个耶稣为之牺牲的生命来的重要。